Entrepreneurs – The Qualities of an Entrepreneur

Successful entrepreneurs are distinctly different from individuals who just want a job. There are critical differences that you need to be aware of before you decide to quit your job and start your own business. Many times people think a business is a solution being unemployed. The truth is, 90{5b0579ddad123e8826b0f99aaf2548fba6b6d6310808b95d99d67897c25a7935} of businesses fail in the first five years and 90{5b0579ddad123e8826b0f99aaf2548fba6b6d6310808b95d99d67897c25a7935} of the 10{5b0579ddad123e8826b0f99aaf2548fba6b6d6310808b95d99d67897c25a7935} fail in ten years.

The reason for this failure is that we are not taught the qualities and given the knowledge needed to be successful entrepreneurs. We are trained to be employees so we can earn money  

10 Common Mistakes Made After an Auto Accident | Adam Kutner

You are driving down the highway while enjoying your favorite podcast in your car.  You were recently struck by another car. When your body is flooded with adrenaline and panic kicks in, it is simple to make serious errors that could end up costing you in the long run. Click on this Link to speak to a car accident attorney!

First Error: Failing to contact the police.

One of the biggest errors you can make after an accident is to do this. We have all had fender-bender situations where we did not want to call the police, but failing to  

How Does Cryptocurrency Gain Value?

Cryptocurrencies are the latest ‘big thing’ in the digital world and have now been recognized as being part of the monetary system. In fact, enthusiasts have tagged it as ‘the revolution of money’.

In clear terms, cryptocurrencies are decentralized digital assets that can be exchanged between users without the need for a central authority, the majority of which being created via special computation techniques referred to as ‘mining’.

The acceptance of currencies, like the US Dollar, Great British Pound and the Euro, as legal tender is because they have been issued by a central bank; digital currencies, however, such as  

Protect Yourself in Case of a Car Accident – Insurance Companies Are Not on Your Side

What You Should Do if You Are involved in a Car Accident

It is unfortunate that most people don’t know what to do when they are involved in an accident. My own mother was recently in an accident, and she called me frantically asking what she should do. Knowing what to do is important for protecting your health and protecting your interests with the other drivers and the insurance companies. This is true even if you are at fault.

The most important thing after an accident is your safety. If you, the other driver or any of the passengers are