Investment Bubbles and the Chinese Stock Market Bubble

Investment Bubbles

Investment bubbles come along once or twice a decade is seems, and they should obviously to be avoided. One of the best ways to build a successful long-term investment plan is to simply avoid taking big losses (such as when an investment bubble bursts). Two recent investment bubbles the markets have experienced over the past 10 years were the technology stock bubble of 1997-2000 and the housing/real estate bubble over the past 5 years. Both of these bubbles have created horrible hangovers (and big losses) for investors who had too much money invested when they popped. It is  

The Stock Market Timeline

The history of the stock market begins back in the 11th century in Cairo, Egypt. It is believed that during this period of time Jewish and Islamic merchants established a trade association that incorporated most of what we consider modern day credit and payment methods. By the 12th century agricultural debts were managed and regulated by French courratier de change. The courratier de change could technically be considered the first “stock brokers” because they not only managed debt and payments, but they also traded in debt products. Another century passed and the development of the modern stock market continued. At  

How To Choose The Best Digital Marketing Agency For Your Business?

Often do we read news of fraud, scam and reports of some digital marketing agencies that add no value to their clients’ businesses. In a world where companies spend millions of dollars every year on digital marketing campaigns, the need to distinct good agencies from bad cannot be stressed enough.

Combining various internet marketing tactics with other forms of media and strategies, digital marketing has become one of the most effective methods of lead-generation, branding and procuring bigger customer-base. Broadly speaking, it can be subdivided into internet marketing, mobile marketing and offline marketing.

The importance of having a digital marketing