Are Entrepreneurs Anti-Social?

It has often been said that capitalism is bad and socialism is good. The socialists always find ways to hammer on the capitalists whenever they can, showing that they are somehow greedy. But alas, free-market capitalism exploits this truism of human nature, almost along the same lines as Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs.

Those who want to make more money work harder and produce more of what people want, and they are rewarded for doing so – those who produce less have less money, and this ensures that humanity wherever it uses free-market capitalism is always in a state of abundance  

Affordable New Jersey Health Insurance For Families and Individuals

How are insurance regulations different in NJ than other states?

Actually some regulations make it a little easier to find a policy here than in some other states. In Texas, for instance, private insurers are allowed to individually underwrite applicants. They can rate up and deny coverage based upon prior and current health status. But in New Jersey, private insurers are not allowed to deny coverage based upon health. This means that people with current health issues, even serious ones, can get a health plan today.

All New Jersey insurers must offer 5 standard plans to all consumers, regardless  

Auto Insurance Reviews – Saving Time, Effort and Money

If you want to choose the best auto insurance policy, it is important to do a thorough study and review the prevailing auto insurance companies in the market. The next step is to go through the auto insurance reviews posted about the company. This will surely give you a fair idea of the repute and reliability of the insurance provider.

Internet is undoubtedly the best way to get useful and valid information. It makes sense understanding the terms and conditions of the policy and other legalities involved prior to purchasing the policy. The best way to go about is to  

An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Self Care

The last four coaching calls I’ve been on have focused on one topic. Self care. But wait a minute; I’m a business coach so why do I spend time with my clients talking about self-care?

Guess what? Unless you take care of yourself you cannot take care of your business.

Entrepreneurs tend to put everything and everyone in front of themselves. When they do that, they risk losing it all.

Now before you tell me (or yourself) that you don’t have time for self care, take a look at the following seven areas to keep an eye on. None will