Basics of Money Management

Money plays an important part in our every day lives and making the most of what we have will help us live a life free of financial pressures. By learning some basic rules, you can make life easier for yourself and for those who depend on you. Here are my basic rules.

Rule one. Don’t borrow money for consumable goods. What are consumable goods? They are stuff that lose value over time. Stuff you want but can live without. Examples are electronics, subscriptions to magazines, auto mobiles etc.

Rule two. Live within your means. In other words, spend less than  

Stock Market Trading Systems

No matter what kind of trader you are, stock market trading systems will usually be key to your success. They help you to keep your decisions objective, and therefore minimize the risk and increasing the profit involved in trading stocks. Stock trading requires a steady nerve and means making important decisions based on historical data analysis and the current financial situation.

Your trading system does not need to be complex, but it does need to be founded on principles known to work. You may choose to develop your system yourself, but if you need a little help then there are  

Finance and Risk Management

In general, finance and risk management are two of the most crucial aspects in managing and operating a company. In the current business climate, management are often applied together with other management tools such as control systems, metrics, and information systems. The main objective of financial managers is to maximize the firm’s ability to protect its assets from unexpected risks. The field involves numerous subspecialties, including management, strategic, and implementation.

The Computational Risk Management(CFRM) program, on the other hand, addresses the need for modern quantitative techniques in the financial service industry to develop and follow a global competitive advantage. Today,  

How To Predict A Call From the Media – The Could It Happen Here Story

Wouldn’t it be great to know ahead of time when and why your company or organization would be getting a telephone call from the media? Believe it or not, you already have that ability right at your fingertips. Sure, there are instances where you could pretty well guess that a phone call is coming such as in the case of a strike, a product recall, an environmental disaster or a workplace fatality. But what about those times when a call comes in that you were not expecting? While half of your brain listens to the voice on the other end